Win32 Library by Function Name

Instructions on using these lists are located at the bottom of the page.

The above set of text files contain the names of Win32 API functions (and other functions available with a basic installation of Windows 98) arranged in alphabetical order, followed by the name of the library which contains the function. In order to use the function in programs compiled with gcc you can simply add -l plus the name of the library to the end of your link command line. For example, if you wanted to use the function BindMoniker you would select the link to the functions that begin with b given above. You would find that BindMoniker is in the ole32 library. Then you could link your program like this:

gcc -o foo.exe foo.o -lole32 -mwindows

Some functions, notably functions in oledlg and mfcuia32, have double entries because they exist in more than one library. There are also certain functions contained in libraries which do not have the same name as the DLL containing the function. For example the toolhelp functions are provided in the library th32, even though they are in the kernel32 DLL. Some of these functions are included in both import libraries. When they are not the DLL name will be included like this:

Process32First th32 (DLL:kernel32)

Cygwin and Mingw32 users should note that the kernel32 library is automatically included in all programs (even console mode programs), although this index still contains kernel32 functions for completeness. The -mwindows option includes the following set of libraries under Mingw32: user32, gdi32, comdlg32, kernel32, advapi32 and shell32.