
Big ... really big.

Most people, including myself, have a hard time grasping just how big a number a million is, but let's try an example.

Say you wanted to hug your girlfriend (or boyfriend) a million times. How long would this take? Maybe you hug her a fair bit, maybe ten times a day on average. Well, there are 365.24 days in a year (approximately), so you will get in about 3650 hugs a year, which is a lot of hugs, but hardly a million.

No, a million devided by 3652.4 is approximately 274. Not only will you have to marry your girlfriend and live with her the rest of your life, you will both have to live to be about three hundred years old! And you have to keep up that pace, ten hugs a day, every day of every year, for 274 years!

Is it humanly possible to hug someone a million times? Lets say you marry your girlfriend and want to give her a million hugs before your fiftieth anniversary. You have fifty years to get all those hugs in, which is 18262 days, which works out to about 55 hugs a day.

Consider that for a second. Fifty five doesn't seem like such a big number, but you are going to hug her 55 times today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that... for fifty years! If, like most people, you spend time sleeping and working, you will probably have to hug her about six or seven times an hour whenever you are together. Whenever you are with her you hug her every ten minutes- no taking time out for movies or a long bath! Good luck getting to your fiftieth anniversary at that rate!

So, the point is, a million is a big number. Really big. The next time someone tells you they've heard something "a million times," don't believe them.